Blockly Games' Pond is a reimplementation of Tom Poindexter's 1985 game CROBOTS. Google has (with the author's permission) updated the game to be playable by a new generation of programmers. Differences between Pond and CROBOTS: * Theme CROBOTS features robots fighting in a battlefield. Given today's diversity priorities, a different theme was needed. The reimplementation features rubber ducks in a pond. * Battlefield size Height and width of battlefield is 100m x 100m instead of 1000m x 1000m. Since speed and damage/health go to 100, scaling the pond's size to the same magnitude makes for a cleaner API. This was not possible in CROBOTS since integers were the only data type, whereas JavaScript has floats. * Scan resolution CROBOTS scans in a direction with a resolution of +/- n degrees. Pond scans with a total resolution of n degrees. The only difference is that Pond's resolution number is double that specified in CROBOTS. * Failed scan CROBOTS returns 0 for a scan that failed to detect another player. Pond returns Infinity. * Impact damage CROBOTS gives a flat 2% damage to robots colliding with a wall or another robot. Pond gives up to 3% damage, proportional to the speed at impact. * Blast damage CROBOTS gives 3%/5%/10% damage to robots within 40m/20m/5m of an explosion. Pond uses a proportional formula ((1 - r / 4) * 10) which is similar (after accounting for the 10x decrease in battlefield size), but slightly increases the value of accuracy. * Swim Because of the rubber duck theme, 'swim()' has been added as an alias to CROBOT's 'drive()'. Pond supports 'drive()' as an undocumented function. * Stop Pond introduces a new function 'stop()' that is the equivalent of 'drive(0, d)', where d is the current driving direction. * Health People are more used to games having 'health' (more is better) rather than 'damage' (less is better). Pond introduces 'health()', with 'damage()' being an undocumented function. * Log The 'log()' function prints a value to the browser's console. This is great for debugging. The printed value is restricted to a number for precautionary legal reasons. * Trigonometry CROBOTS has top-level sin/cos/tan/atan functions that use degrees. Pond adds these to the JavaScript Math object as Math.sin_deg/Math.cos_deg/etc. * Constants Various constants such as acceleration rate, robot-missile speed ratio, etc are tuned differently. These differences are not intentional. Google is indebted to Tom Poindexter for inspiring so many young people to learn about programming through his game. We hope to continue this success with Pond. As with CROBOTS, all the code for Pond is open source. The original DOS-based CROBOTS game may be found here: -- Neil Fraser Google, California August 2014